Cucumis - निशुल्क अन्-लाइन अनुबाद सेवा
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सबै अनुबादहरु

सबै अनुबादहरु - gamine

स्रोत भाषा
अनुबाद गर्नुपर्ने भाषा

नतिजा 341 - 360 (जम्मा लगभग 1403)
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स्रोत भाषा
Latin et ecce ego vobiscum sum omnibus diebus usque a...
et ecce ego vobiscum sum omnibus diebus usque ad consummationem saeculi
Dette er set på en tatovering

liebus --> diebus <edited by Aneta B.>

सिद्धिएका अनुबादहरु
डेनिस Jeg er med jer alle dage indtil tidernes ende..
स्रोत भाषा
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Bosnian ljubim ija tebe
ljubim ija tebe

सिद्धिएका अनुबादहरु
डेनिस Og jeg kysser dig
स्रोत भाषा
This translation request is "Meaning only".
रूसी Русский
Привет, как дела? Хотела рассказать как долетели... Наш самолет задержали из-за тумана на 6 часов, устали очень. Потом около Бельгии попали в зону турбулентности, страшно было... Как у тебя дела, работа?
“Hi, how are you? I wanted to tell about the flight ... Our flight was delayed for 6 hours due to fog, we were very tired… Then, near Belgium we entered the zone of turbulence, it was scary ... How are you and your work?” ~Aneta B. (mostly) and Siberia~

Before edit:
привет,как дела?хотела рассказать как долетели....наш самолет задержали через туман на 6 часов,устали очень.потом около Бельгии попали в зону турбулентности.страшно было....как у тебя?работа?

सिद्धिएका अनुबादहरु
फ्रान्सेली Salut, comment vas-tu?,...
इतालियन Ciao, come stai? Volevo raccontare il volo...
स्रोत भाषा
अंग्रेजी There's something about the look in your eyes
There's something about the look in your eyes
Something I noticed when the light was just right
It reminded me twice that I was alive
And it reminded me that you're so worth the fight

My biggest fear will be the rescue of me
Strange how it turns out that way, yeah

Could you show me dear... Something I've not seen?
Something infinitely interesting
Could you show me dear... Something I've not seen?
Something infinitely interesting

Theres something about the way you move
I see your mouth in slow motion when you sing
More subtle than something someone contrives
Your movements echo that I have seen the real thing

सिद्धिएका अनुबादहरु
फ्रान्सेली Il y a quelque chose dans ton ...
तुर्केली Bakışın...
स्रोत भाषा
डेनिस oversæt fra dansk til fransk
Vær altid en førsteklasses udgave af dig selv, i stedet for en andenklasses udgave af en anden.

सिद्धिएका अनुबादहरु
फ्रान्सेली Sois toujours une version de première classe de...
स्पेनी Sé siempre una versión de primera clase...
स्रोत भाषा
This translation request is "Meaning only".
जर्मन Du bist mein Schicksal.
Du bist mein Schicksal.
Du tust mir weh. Du hast mir weh getan.
Niemand wird dich je so lieben wie ich.
Ich will dich sehen.
Ich vermisse dich nicht - ich sterbe ohne dich.
Könnten Sie mir bitte auf kosovarische Dialekt übersetzen.

सिद्धिएका अनुबादहरु
डेनिस Du er min skæbne.
अल्बेनियन Ti je fati im.
स्रोत भाषा
This translation request is "Meaning only".
डेनिस - Er du sur pÃ¥ mig - Er du pÃ¥ arbejde - Kan du...
- Er du sur på mig
- Er du på arbejde
- Kan du lege senere

सिद्धिएका अनुबादहरु
अंग्रेजी - Are you angry at me ? - Are you at work?- ...
Bosnian - Jesi li ljut na mene?
स्रोत भाषा
अंग्रेजी All I want to do is be more like me
All I want to do
is be more like me
and be less like you
Френски от Франция

सिद्धिएका अनुबादहरु
फ्रान्सेली Tout ce que je désire, c'est être plus ...
अरबी كل ما اريد
चीनीया 我只想做我自己
38स्रोत भाषा38
अंग्रेजी Simplicity...
I believe, that life is likened to, a piece of fine crystal. It can be beautiful, or in a moments notice, be shattered, beyond repair. If you do not believe in love at first sight, believe...that perhaps, your vision is impaired. It matters not your age in life, I believe love, should be welcomed and treasured. I believe, that many of our unanswered questions, are only answered, when we are no longer, of earthly matter. I believe that some things are better kept to ones self. I believe that there are rooms in life's experience, that should not be entered. Do you believe in your God? Do you believe, that your religion is the right religion? What do you believe of the billions of people who do not believe, as you believe? I believe, it could not be, that one religion, is the true way to worship. I believe, that there is one Supreme Being. I believe this Supreme Being, is by-lingual, multi-colored and of all ethnic races. I believe He loves and blesses us all. I believe, in order for this to be a better world, it must begin with each of us trying to be better. I believe that the billions, upon billions of dollars spent on the machine of war, could better be used for poor and disenfranchised. I believe in a new days discovery. I believe, in the beauty of nature. I believe, in the kiss of the rain. I believe that true friends are rare. I believe in charity, without recognition. I believe, in extending a helping hand, to those in need. I believe, in preserving the dignity of humanity. I believe in the innocence of children. I believe that one, should let their heart, do their thinking. I believe, in the goodness of humanity. I believe, that true trust, is like interest earned, on money in a bank... it comes with the passing of time. I believe in wisdom. I believe in the beauty of a starlit sky. I believe in promises kept. I believe that America, truly is the land of opportunity. I do not believe, that most dreams come true. I do believe, that dreams can lead one to the path, of ones inner desires. I believe, that many listen, but do not hear. I believe in honesty and integrity. I believe, in a mothers love. I believe in a fathers pain. I believe, in placing ones family first. I believe that many successful people, leave in their path, countless orphans of success. I believe, when the sickness is sadness, laughter is the cure. I believe, that a good work ethic, can serve all of us well. I believe in good wine and good friends. I believe, in a time each day, to give thanks. I believe in forgiveness. I believe, if one can forgive a friend, then surely, one can forgive family. I believe in the power of the written word. I still believe in hand written letters. I believe the first cup of coffee in the morning, is the best. I's important to believe in something you care about. I believe, in sanctity of life. I believe that each day of life, is precious and a treasure of unequaled value.
Lilian, do you feel to do it or Francky.???? An American penfriend sent this to me and asked if I could have it translated.

सिद्धिएका अनुबादहरु
फ्रान्सेली Ce que je crois, ce à quoi je crois, ce en quoi je crois...
स्रोत भाषा
जर्मन könntest Du mir vielleicht noch einmal die...
Könnten Sie mir vielleicht noch einmal die Unterlagen als pdf-Datei schicken? Das wäre sehr nett. Ich werde sie Ihnen dann so schnell wie möglich zurücksenden, sobald ich mein Zeugnis ausgehändigt bekommen habe. Vielen Dank im Voraus.

सिद्धिएका अनुबादहरु
फ्रान्सेली Peut-être peux-tu encore une fois...
स्रोत भाषा
स्विडेनी Tomma tunnor skramlar mest.
Tomma tunnor skramlar mest.
Proverb. Please... if it's possible, write a comment in the note how your equivalence to this saying should be translated --> English. (word-by-word)

सिद्धिएका अनुबादहरु
पोलिस Puste beczki haÅ‚asujÄ… najgÅ‚oÅ›niej.
अंग्रेजी Empty barrels make the most noise.
रूसी Пустая бочка пуще гремит.
स्पेनी Los toneles vacíos son los que más ruido hacen.
Bulgarian Празните кофи тракат най-много.
पोर्तुगाली Os tonéis vazios são os que mais ruído fazem.
एस्पेरान्तो Malplenaj bareloj bruas pleje
ब्राजिलियन पर्तुगिज  Os barris vazios são os que fazem mais barulho.
फ्रान्सेली Les fûts vides font le plus de bruit.
डच Holle vaten
डेनिस Tønder
लिथुएनियन Proverb
अल्बेनियन Fuçitë e boshe bëjnë më shumë zhurmë.
रोमानियन Butoaiele goale fac cel mai mult zgomot.
सरबियन Prazna burad najveću buku prave
Bosnian Prazne bačve čine najviše buke.
तुर्केली BoÅŸ variller
Persian language طبل غازی
इतालियन I botti vuoti fanno il più grande rumore.
क्लिनगन chuSchu' qegh buy'Ha'
यहुदी חביות ריקות גורמות לרעש הרב ביותר
नर्वेजियन Tomme tønner bulrer mest.
Breton Fustoù goullo zo ar re drouzusañ.
युनानेली Τα άδεια βαρέλια κάνουν τον περισσότερο θόρυβο.
Latin Dolia vacua strepitum maximum faciunt.
कातालान Els tonells buits són els que més soroll fan.
अरबी البارميل الفارغة تسبب معضم الضجيج
हन्गेरियन Az üres hordók csinálják a legnagyobb zajt.
Icelandic Bylur hæst í tómri tunnu.
फरोईज Tómar tunnur buldra mest.
Mongolian Хоосон хэнгэрэгний дуу нь чанга
Ancient greek Οἱ βάτοι κενοί τὸν θόρυβον μέγιστον ποιοῦσιν.
जर्मन Leere Tonnen
Ukrainian Порожня бочка дужче гримить
चिनीया (सरल) 一桶不响,半桶晃荡
चेक Prázdné sudy zvoní nejhlasitÄ›ji.
चीनीया 一桶不響,半桶晃蕩
Latvian Tukša muca tālu skan.
स्लोभाक Prázdne sudy zvučia najhlasnejÅ¡ie.
अफ्रिकी Leë vate
फिनल्यान्डी Tyhjät tynnyrit kolisevat eniten.
हिन्दि अधजल गगरी छलकत जाय.
क्रोएसियन Prazne bačve
Macedonian Празните кофи повеќе врева прават.
83स्रोत भाषा83
अंग्रेजी Only when the last tree has been cut down, Only...
Only when the last tree has been cut down,
Only when the last river has been poisoned,
Only when the last fish has been caught,
Then only will you see that money cannot be eaten.

Cree Indian Prophecy
(Extra request : Please use both Cree script and the Latin characters, in order to know how to pronounce it, thank you.)

सिद्धिएका अनुबादहरु
स्विडेनी Först när det sista trädet huggits ned
Bulgarian Само когато последното дърво бъде отсечено
फ्रान्सेली Prophétie
ब्राजिलियन पर्तुगिज  Profecia Cree
स्पेनी Sólo así...
रूसी Только после того, как..
इतालियन Solo quando l'ultimo albero sarà stato abbattuto...
हन्गेरियन Csak amikor az utolsó fát kivágták
युनानेली Μόνο όταν...
अल्बेनियन Vetëm kur të pritet edhe druri i fundit, Vetëm...
पोलिस Proroctwo Indian Kri
डच Profetie
रोमानियन Doar atunci când ultimul copac va fi fost doborât...
सरबियन tek kada se poseče poslednje drvo, tek...
लिथुएनियन Kai tik paskutinis medis bus nukirstas, Kai tik...
डेनिस Først, nÃ¥r dest sidste træ er blevet fældet,...
यहुदी רק כשיכרת אחרון העצים
Persian language حفظ محیط زیست
Mongolian Ухаарал
नर्वेजियन Først nÃ¥tr det siste tre er hogget ned, Først...
अफ्रिकी Slegs wanneer die laaste boom afgekap is, Slegs...
एस्पेरान्तो Nur kiam la lasta arbo estos hakita
चिनीया (सरल) 只有当最后一棵树被砍伐,只有当最后一条河被污染,只有当最后一条鱼被捕捞,那时你才明白钱不是一切。 印度克里人预言
जर्मन Erst wenn
Ukrainian Тільки коли ...
चीनीया 只有當最後一棵樹被砍伐……
फिनल्यान्डी Vasta sitten, kun viimeinenkin puu on kaadettu
अरबी فقط عندما
कातालान Sols quan el darrer arbre haurà estat tallat, Sols...
स्रोत भाषा
This translation request is "Meaning only".
पोलिस Przy Tobie nigdy nie zaczÄ…Å‚bym siÄ™ nudzić.
Przy Tobie nigdy nie zacząłbym się nudzić. Zawsze mam pecha.

सिद्धिएका अनुबादहरु
नर्वेजियन Jeg ville aldrg kjede me sammen med deg.
स्रोत भाषा
अंग्रेजी And never stop fighting...
And never stop fighting...

सिद्धिएका अनुबादहरु
स्पेनी Y nunca dejes de luchar...
इतालियन E non smettere mai di lottare...
फ्रान्सेली Et ne jamais cesser de se battre.
पोर्तुगाली E nunca deixes de lutar...
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